Saturday, July 9, 2016

Mindsets for Parents!

I'm so excited! I have blogged before about the power of Growth Mindsets for kiddos, but I am thrilled about this new book by Mary Cay Ricci written just for parents! I hope to start up a Growth Mindset parent study at school soon. What are some things you would address in a group like this? I think parents and teachers working on this together could have a real impact...I would love to know your thoughts.

Mindset books I have enjoyed...


Robyn Matus said...

I came across this blog post when researching parent involvement in the classroom. I have also enjoyed the Mindset books and think promoting this book is a great idea.

Parent involvement at home is just as crucial to a child’s performance in school as a teacher’s guidance. They have to work together to create a positive learning environment for a student.

-Robyn Matus