OK teacher friends, let us take just a moment to sum up the last few weeks. CRAZY. There’s not much crazier than the last-few-weeks-before-Christmas-vacation-in-an-elementary-school-crazy. There are kids in Santa hats and dress-up days every day. There is hot chocolate in gigantic crock pots and fantastic literature and holiday cheer and multiplication models and end-of-unit assessments and reading assessments and school-wide universal screening assessments. There are potlucks and secret Santas and cookie exchanges and grade deadlines and there is glitter. Lots and lots of glitter. I get tired simply replaying the last few weeks in my head.
Probably because its 11:00am on a Saturday and I’m still in pajamas. I’ve taken the, “…sleep in heavenly peace,” lyric quite literally and it’s so delightful. I’ve read four books. I’ve watched close to seventeen movies. I’m not sure I’ve washed my hair in three days. I’ve played CandyLand with my kiddos, I’ve, “Just Danced 2015” my butt off, and I’ve eaten lots of delicious food.
I’ve enjoyed watching my friends post pictures of their vacations. Playing in the snow, drinking coffee by the light of the Christmas tree, enjoying their families…This, my friends, is the very true meaning of the word, VACATION. We all needed it. We all benefit from it. And we all deserve it.
It is so easy to get stressed. It is so easy to work hard for things we don’t really care about. We look around and realize we are expending time, energy, and effort on things we do not truly value and it is taking us away from those things we care about the very, very most. A vacation is the perfect time to reconnect with our true passions, reevaluate how we spend our time, and restructure the boundaries that we need to put in place to stave off the nonsense that prevents us from really, truly living.
From my house to yours and from my classroom to yours, I hope with my whole heart that you are surrounded by laughter and crazy and love. I hope you are reading books and enjoying family and watching funny movies and drinking pepperminty coffee (If you like that). I hope that you are snuggled up with your people and I pray that your 2015 is filled with pleasure, adventure, and passion.